Applied AI for
wildlife Monitoring

Affordable API providing your service with event-driven actionable data, empowering your applications with real-time insights and seamless integration capabilities.

Animals found in images
Humans found in images
25 000+
Images processed per day

Effortless Integration

Seamlessly integrate our API into your software stack with minimal effort, thanks to well-documented and developer-friendly endpoints.

Rapid Responses

Our AI model is finely tuned for swift and precise data delivery, providing actionable insights within seconds.

Scalable Infrastructure

Our API easily scales from a few events to thousands, ensuring responsive and reliable services as your demands expand.


Benefit from an affordable pricing structure that allow you to harness the power of real-time insights without straining the budget.

Enhancing User Engagement through Visual Wildlife Insights

Our event driven model is built for handling large volumes of images. WiMo provides detection of animals, persons and vehicles.


Endless possibilities, what will you create with our API?

  • Smart Image Filtering

    Enhance your image gallery with intelligent filtering & categorization. Categorize images based on the presence of animals, people, or vehicles.

  • Privacy-Focused Image Blurring

    Protecting individuals' privacy is a top priority, Automatically obscure sensitive areas of images containing humans or vehicles.

  • Activity-Based Event Triggers

    Experience proactive security with event triggers. Whether you want to be alerted to unexpected activity or need to monitor specific areas, stay one step ahead with our cutting-edge technology.

Explore it yourself with our free demo

Just drop an image below to get started

Simple pricing
money well invested


up to
10 000 images

Ideal for small projects and personal use.

USD0.001 / request
EUR0.001 / request
SEK0.01 / request
Contact us


10 001 -
100 000 images

Great for medium-sized projects and small businesses.

USD0.0008 / request
EUR0.0008 / request
SEK0.008 / request
Contact us


100 001 -
1 000 000 images

Perfect for large-scale projects and enterprises.

USD0.0007 / request
EUR0.0007 / request
SEK0.007 / request
Contact us

Let's see what it would cost

0 images
0,00 USD
0 1 000 000

Need even more requests?

Reach out to us

API Documentation

Explore our comprehensive API documentation to unlock the full potential of our services. Get access to detailed guides, endpoints, and examples, empowering you to seamlessly integrate our APIs into your projects and applications

Go to the documentation


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